
Now available in Purple, Orange, Red, Blue, Green, Clear, Carbon and Black (in micro and mini only). An extremely versatile, top quality bobbin/hanger indicator designed from scratch to fulfil all the needs of the expert Carp angler.

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SKU: BUG1R Category:


Available in 4 sizes to cover a variety of fishing situations and conditions. * Dual position precision line clip moulded in reinforced nylon – will not damage your line. * Extended ‘antennae’ will grip line, thus allowing the angler to fish slack lines and avoid wind bleeps for the ultimate in presentation. * Tight lines – with or without back leads – can be fished as normal. Simply pass line through the clip for a running bobbin. * Supplied with New 15cm Anti-Rust Ball Chain. 30cm Anti-Rust Ball Chain is also available. * Dedicated Bug Betalights are also available in Green, Red, Blue, Purple, White and Orange. Tritium-Max Small Betalights are also suitable for Bug Indicators. * New Nano Bugs are now available.