
Drop Out Back Leads offer the ability to easily adjust the tension needed to discharge the back lead from the clip in the event of a snag on an underwater obstacle.

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The unique clip features a threaded peg that pushes into a dedicated rubber sleeve in the lead. In the same way that a tail rubber allows you to adjust the lead release on a lead clip, the further you push the peg into the rubber sleeve, the greater the pressure needed to release the weight from the back lead. * Likewise, if you need the back lead weight to separate easily, because of heavy weed or snags close in, then reduce the grip by not pushing the Sensitivity Peg in as far… * A brilliantly simple solution – it’s a wonder why nobody has ever thought of it before! * 4 back leads per pack. * Sizes available 0.5oz (14g), 1oz (28g), 1.5oz (42g) and 2oz (57g). * 4 colours available – Green, Brown, Chod & Gravel – as per our lead range.