
Disruption hooklink materials feature colour segmented skins and fast sinking Dyneema cores. The length of each light and dark colour section is variable in length to enhance the hooklinks excellent camouflage qualities. This effectively breaks up the out line of the hooklink and ensures that the brown version is perfect for fishing over a variety of sandy, gravel, mud and clay lake beds, whilst the green version can be used in weedy environments and the colour sectioning really makes the hooklink blend in with the weed.

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SKU: XDIS25G Category:


Disruptive colour matched sinking Dyneema core braid * Removable, semi-stiff, colour matched outer coating is extremely user friendly, easy to strip and knot, whilst retaining the necessary strength and stiffness to avoid tangles and tie advanced rigs. * Two effective Camo Disguises – Weed Green Disruption or Mud Brown Disruption – unique variable colour segmentation breaks up the outline of the hooklink underwater. * Available on 20m spools in 15lb and 25lb * Colours: Weed Green & Black or Mud Brown & Black * The new skins range offers truly exceptional strength and durability, whilst still retaining the low diameter needed in any number of lethal hooking setups.