
The GTA Application rod is so much more than a overly powerful spod rod! It has been specified and then manufactured exclusively for Gardner Tackle on a powerful yet lightweight 5 TC 3K-reinforced blank that offers amazing versatility!

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SKU: GA13 Category:


LENGTH: 13ft * TEST CURVE: 5lb * The balanced action the blank offers makes this wonderful rod suitable for spodding, spombing, marker float work and mapping a swim with a lead. It would be wrong to claim that it is an outright big weight hurling machine, it isn’t. * However, if you’re in the market looking for a superb balanced spod/application rod, then this may well be perfect for you! The GTA really excels with a medium sized spomb or spod; but it can cope with a bigger baiting device if necessary. This rod is a delight to use, without fear of ripping your shoulder out of it’s socket, because it’s impossible to compress! It’s amazing how much easier leading and baiting becomes with the right tools. * GTA rods are built on a lightweight medium-fast action blank, which ensures fast tip recovery and effortless accurate casting without being unforgiving or overly stiff. The combination of mandrel/materials gives a blank that offers a direct, responsive connection and this helps you lead and then bait that little bit more accurately and easily. * This GTA rod features: * Full full matt finish with 3K ballistic finish to just above the overfit joint. * 3K tweel finishes just above the overfit joint. *This allows a faster and more responsive tip action by keeping tip weight to an absolute minimum. * The exclusive 12ft blank is made using 36-ton Mitsubishi carbon fibre, on low resin prepreg blanks. * Super lightweight Minima guides are combined with a conventional anti-frap tip ring. * Full hi-gloss finish helps protect all components and maintains looks/performance. * A 3K carbon Fibre machined DPS reel seat to match the rods 3k tweel/finish. * A line marker, whipped 30cm in front of the reel fitting assists with accurate plumbing. * The GTA features a clutter free, tidy build specification. * Full slim line shrink wrap handle with a wide SS butt cap.