Line Roller Upgrade Kit (T-S/SS/GS)


Suitable for:

  • SS3000 (original & re-released) & SS5000
  • Millionmax SS9000
  • Millionmax GS9000
  • T-S5000T & T-S5500T
  • T-S5000T BE
  • T-S6000T
  • Whisker GS3000 & GS5000

Introducing our New line roller upgrade for the T-S, SS & GS range of reels. Our new line roller upgrade replaces the factory line roller listed on the models below and is manufactured from the very best Titanium available and fitted with 2x full EZO Japanese stainless steel bearings.

The original factory line roller design simply rotates on a plastic bush & sleeve configuration which due to the rotational speeds and forces achieved when retrieving the line, is susceptible to wear and seizing up over time which contributes to line twists and uneven line lay. With this new roller having the benefit of being equipped with 2x EZO Japanese bearings, it not only makes the retrieve much smoother but also reduces the risk of twist and uneven line lay on the spool due to worn or damaged components.

Fitting Instructions

  • The line roller upgrade is easily fitted at home by undoing the line roller lock screw (clock-wise) and removing the original roller & bush configuration
  • Next, slide on one of the spacers followed by a bearing, then the Titanium line roller, then another bearing and spacer, then simply refit the roller lock screw (anti-clockwise) and nip up.
  • Please note the Titanium line roller is slightly wider at one end, which must be fitted facing towards the lock screw.

Each kit consists of 2x Spacers, 2x Japanese EZO bearings & 1x Titanium line roller

SKU: N/A Category:


Suitable for:

  • SS3000 (original & re-released) & SS5000
  • Millionmax SS9000
  • Millionmax GS9000
  • T-S5000T & T-S5500T
  • T-S5000T BE
  • T-S6000T
  • Whisker GS3000 & GS5000